"Do not think that time simply flies away…" I started this piece four years ago after my birding trip to Costa Rica. Time has ticked away, like the tails of these birds, which swing back and forth like pendulums of a clock. See this and more at my Open Studio, Saturday & Sunday, October 5 &6, 2024, 11-5. “Clockbirds III – Turquoise-Browed Motmots” monotype, collage, 2024. @artscouncilsc @openstudios.acscc
“Do not think that time simply flies away. Do not understand “flying” as the only function of time. If time simply flew away, a separation would exist between you and time. ….every being that exists in the entire world is linked together as moments in time, and at the same time they exist as individual moments of time. Because all moments are the time being, they are your time being.” ― Ruth Ozeki, A Tale for the Time Being